Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Off To See The Doctor

I have several pictures and things I want to post about last weekend, but I feel that it is important to post about our day today.

Emma has been battling stomach aches off and on for several months, but recently it has become an everyday occurance. Scott and I finally decided it was time to see a doctor and figure out the cause of her pain. Scott and I are always reluctant to take our kids to the doctor thinking he is just going to say it is the typical cold, cough, etc. Well, today was the day. First, I need to mention that Emma was aware of the fact that she was going to be asked to take a urine sample. So on the way to the doctors office she had to pee "REALLY BAD" (I am sure all of you moms have heard this before) but said she didn't want me to pull over because she wanted to pee in the cup! Next, they took 2 vials of blood and asked many questions trying to figure out the root of the problem. Emma started crying before the nurse even stuck her with the needle. She asked her daddy if he ever cried when the nurse took his blood and he told her no, but that it does hurt. She replied with "I cried because I am a little girl", quick thinking Emma! Last, they took an x-ray at the hospital. Emma did so well. She didn't wiggle at all while they were taking the x-ray. As I was getting ready to help her put her shorts back on and pick her up off the table she looked at me with those puppy dog eyes and said, "I love you mommy." Talk about a tear jerker. Anyway, out of the 2 hour ordeal Emma received a coloring book, crayons, and her favorite, 13 stickers. We will find out the results on Thursday, so please be praying for Emma.


The Jeffers Clan said...

Oh Jamie...I hope it's nothing. You know I will be praying for her. She is such a sweet girl and it sounds like she did an awesome job for a three year old that had to go through all that. Please let me know Thursday since I won't see you. I love you guys!

Courtney, Jeff, Ayla & Leah said...

Poor Baby! I hope all is well. We will definitely say some prayers for lil Emma! :( Hope to see you guys next week at small group so we can love on her.

Anonymous said...

I hope it is nothing. We went thru something similar w/ Kailye a few weeks ago. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers!!!

Leah Robinson said...

I'll be praying Jamie! I'm sure Hunter feels Emma's pain....she is constantly having stomach issues too:( Well I hope you get answers from the test results!!

Ramona said...

Wow, what a day...sounds like she was a very brave little girl! Praying for good news for you on Thursday...

Chelsa said...

Hope Emma finds out what's going on so she can get all better soon! I hate it when something is wrong w/ Brycen and I can't do anything about it!