Friday, September 19, 2008

A Princess Bike With A "Honker" And "Castles"

What a crazy last couple of weeks. During the last two weeks Emma received a "big girl" bike, Josie got her first tooth, Scott has been training a dog, I (our team) won the mud volleyball tourney at Turkey Trot, and we lost a friend in a motorcycle accident. Did you catch all that??

Emma received her first bike after much anticipation on her part. One evening a few weeks ago she was riding her cousin Allison's "big girl" bike and impressed Scott and I with her riding skills. Emma has been doing a wonderful job of getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, that means no peeing the bed. We decided to reward her with her very own bike. As Emma and I were getting ready to go to Wal-Mart she looked at me and said, "I want a bike like Allison's with a "honker" (horn) and "castles" (tassels)." HILARIOUS!! Emma - you make me laugh hysterically everyday!

Josie has reached another milestone. She got her first tooth this week. I love her so much and she is growing up way to fast. I enjoy every minute I have with her because I know she will be grown up before I know it. Josie - I love you more than you will ever know. You are such a blessing to our family.

I ventured out of my box a few weeks ago and decided to give mud volleyball another shot. To my amazement, we WON! I have played with the same people off and on for 6-7 years. I haven't played for 3 years because I have been expanding the Knepp household. We had a really good time and I could definitly tell I was a few years older.

Lastly, as I posted recently we lost a friend in a motorcycle accident a little over a week ago. He was a great guy and he will be missed by all who knew him. This accident has made me step back and examine my life. I am really seeking Him and the plans he has for me.

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend!!

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Jamie - cute story about Emma and the new bike! I love to keep up on what is going on with you guys - I think you guys are the cutest little family!! and I think it is just destined to be that max and emma will live happily ever after:) ha ha!! Love ya and thanks for all your support!