Emma - You are very caring and nuturing. You are always asking to hold Jax and everyone else's babies. You go visit your grandma great almost everyday. I am very proud of the little girl you've become. You are getting ready to start preschool in a few weeks and I know you are definitely ready. You are also my "little diva". You love to wear make-up and paint your finger nails and toe nails. You are always asking when we are going to get a manicure and pedicure. We've tried that once, but you couldn't sit still long enough to let them dry! :)
Emma getting her first pedicure before Aunt Lacy's wedding

Josie - Your personality has definitely grown over the last month or so. You are our families comedian. During the day Emma and I love to sit back and watch you. You make us laugh hysterically. Today you decided to talk to us while having both fingers up your nose! You have the sweetest little voice and you are definitely a favorite among the extended family.
You are also the most fearless 19 month old I know. Last week you were bitten by a little kitty TWICE, but you still held on to that darn kitty while fighting off our new black lab, Harley.
Up to no good...

Josie's surprised look

Jax - My sweet baby boy. I can't begin to tell you how in love with you I am. You fit perfectly into our family. You resemble Emma, but have dark hair like your daddy. You are beginning to laugh and giggle frequently. You love your sisters, but like for your mommy to be close by in case your sisters start to give you a little to much lovin. Your mommy loves to kiss and hug on you all the time. I know one day you won't let me do that anymore so I am going to do it all the time for as long as you will let me.
Getting ready for his 1st boat ride

Until Next Time...
Hey Jamie!! I love that picture :) I finally started a blog... you'll have to look on Ramona's blog to get the address. Also we just got a new chocolate lab... we are totally crazy getting puppies and having babies!!! Oh, please don't tell me you got it in Henderson... the guy we picked ours up from said he had people from Montgomery pick two up earlier that morning. How crazy would that be!!
Jamie, your family is precious!
awwwwwww... ooooo.... we need to start small group again so i can hold that lil man! :) he's precious as are your girlies (always). glad all is well! hope my advice for pic helped!
beautiful picture jamie! your kids are gorgeous and getting so big...so fun to see how each one is so different yet so totally lovable!!
What a sweet family you have!! God is good :) I think Miss Emma and Alli Jo would be the best of friends, it sounds just like her :)
Good to see the cute kiddos!
great update and pictures :) they are all adorable!!
So cute! Also, your header looks awesome. Hope everyone is doing well
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